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Adoption Baby Shower Invitation Wording

Celebrating a new addition to any family is always cause for celebration.  Adopting a baby or child is a particularly special and exciting event.   Set the tone for this exciting celebration with beautiful baby shower invites. Find you adoption baby shower invitation wording inspiration here.
Hooray! Jan and Steve are adopting! Join us for wonderful baby shower celebration!
It’s time! Steve and Marie are welcoming their bundle of joy home.  Please join us for a celebration.
10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes! Help us surround the baby with love and watch her grow! Join us for a baby shower honoring Jessica and Richard.
The adoption is final!  Please join us as we honor Nick and Nora and their newest addition, James Michael.
Hooray! The day is finally here!  Please help us celebrate as we welcome our wonderful little boy to our family.

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