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Does Your Kid Find Santa Scary

Scary Santa
Santa Claus is coming around riding on his sleigh but may be your little one does not want to ride with him. It is a weird, may be rare but for some kids Santa is not so much fun. Its not like the rolly polly saint gets along with all kids and even if he tries, the little devils won't have it. If your kid finds Santa scary instead of funny then do not be alarmed. There are many kids who have the same problem. If you want to do a reality check, go to mall where there is a Santa Claus and observe how many kids throw tantrums and howl in Santa's lap.

Here are some of the main reasons why kids fear Santa and also how you can manage this fear.

Why Kids Fear Santa Clause?

  • Santa Is Huge: Well you have to admit that Santa isn't exactly slim and trim. Probably the child has never seen a normal human being that size so they find him odd. Moreover to see such a huge body that for some reason is coming towards them can scare them anyway if they don't know that Santa is fun and gifts.
  • Santa Is Hairy: Santa Claus with all his white hair and flowing beard looks a bit like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings who is a wizard! Now you never know what this bearded old men reminds your kid of. But when you dump preconceived notions you will be able to see the fact that Santa can be scary.
  • Santa Is Unfamiliar: If the child has never seen anything like it and suddenly you put them in Santa's lap to click pictures, the child may feel abandoned and angry so as parents you need to understand the psychology of the child.
  • They Are Thrust Upon Santa: Usually there is too much ruckus around Santa Claus as other kids, especially older owns crowd around him. The the problem of the kid may not be Santa but it can be the chaos and commotion around him.
  • Too Much Red: Red signifies 'danger'. It also signifies a whole lot of other positive emotions. But there is no telling how the child will perceive all that red colour.
How To Handle Kid's Fear Of Santa?

  • Put yourself in your child's shoes. First think like a 3 or 4 year old who is seeing an unfamiliar creature for the first time without any background of experiences. Then you will appreciate the fact that Santa can be scary.
  • Never force your child into Santa's lap if the kid is throwing tantrums. Remember, your child will read it as abandonment.
  • You have to talk to your child and explain to him/her that the concept of Santa Claus is a positive one. If you fail to that then this irrational fear can become fear of Christmas.

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