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BIG Live Launches BIG Salute to Bangla Women Entertainers Awards

Kolkata:BIG Live, the intellectual property vertical from Reliance Broadcast Network Ltd., announced the launch of its new offering the ‘BIG Salute to Bangla Women Entertainers Awards’, an exclusive platform which will honour women and will celebrate the incredible success of the Indian Woman Entertainers across eight different genres viz. Movies, Television, Music, Media, Dance, Sports and Theatre. The awards are a first of its kind initiative to honour the women entertainers without whom entertainment would never be complete.
The jury panel for the awards comprises of eminent actor & adman Barun Chanda , renowned public relations practitioner & socialite Rita Bhimani and celebrated danseuse Alokananda Roy. The jury panel will nominate the nominees for the popular category which includes movies , music & television. The jury board will also decide the winners of the jury awards which include categories like dance, theatre, sports, media & a special award for Rabindra Sangeet. Interestingly, the awards will have three categories- young, adult and senior, across the segments, covering all age groups and engaging a vast profile of viewers.
The jury identified nomination list will then be open to audiences for voting through the company’s radio vertical 92.7 BIG FM, utilising both sms and internet platforms and social media. Like all its Awards platforms, the participation of a wide cross section of society and especially females of all ages will be ensured by conducting innovative promotional activity across the city at malls, markets, colleges, housing estates etc.
Commenting on the announcement, Company Spokesperson said, “Through this innovative concept, we wish to pay tribute to the world of women entertainers without whom we couldn’t have been treated to a truly complete entertainment package. These awards will have high appeal in their respective regions as people will get to see their local women entertainers on this pedestal achieving recognition. The awards will receive multiple media promotions from across our business verticals- radio, television and out of home advertising. Through this platform, we will reach out to a diverse audience while offering marketers an excellent property to partner with.”
Having to its credit the successful execution of over 23 strong properties in under a year which include BIG Star IMA Awards & BIG Star Entertainment Awards which received a whopping TRP of 5.78 reaching out to millions of viewers, BIG Live is back with another innovative and a unique platform which is sure to garner eyeballs. Moreover, with its blockbuster series of Entertainment Awards across genres in the eastern region, BIG LIVE is already the most successful producer of IP’s in this part of the country.

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