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Body of journalist Marie Colvin being held by Syria Read more:

The family of war correspondent Marie Colvin, who was killed while covering the violence in Syria, is desperately trying to find out how to get her body back from the country.
Reports have surfaced that the Syrians are refusing to release the bodies of Colvin and French photojournalist Remi Ochlik, who died after a rocket attack Wednesday on a house in the rebel city of Homs that which was being used as a makeshift media center by activists.
“We haven’t heard anything. We are waiting on word from the government,” Colvin’s brother, Mike, told
“We can’t say what’s true and what isn’t,” he said, regarding the latest rumors that have surfaced.
The Syrian ambassador to London was summoned by officials in the U.K., where they demanded that Syrian authorities facilitate immediate arrangements for repatriation of the bodies of Colvin and Ochlik, according to reports by Agence France-Presse.
In other developments, a video surfaced yesterday from the two other journalists who were injured during the same rocket attack, in which they ask for the help of government agencies.
"I was wounded in a rocket attack yesterday -- three large wounds to my leg. My colleague Marie Colvin was also killed in the same attack," said photographer Paul Conroy, who worked with Colvin at the Sunday Times.
"I'm currently being looked after by the Free Syrian Army medical staff, who are treating me with the best medical treatment available. It's important to add that I am here as a guest and have not been captured. Obviously any assistance I can be given by government agencies would be welcome,” he said.

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