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Brilliant Hotel Marketing by Radisson Blu: The Greatest Holiday on Earth

in Austria,Hotels,Vienna,Web 2.0

I’ve entered the Greatest Holiday on Earth contest.
The Scandinavia based hotel brand Radisson Blu (Formerly Radisson SAS and SAS without Radisson) has launched this brilliant and simple internet driven Web 2.0 contest. The participants have to enter the competition with a slogan, 4 photos and possibly a video to explain why they deserve the price, 365 nights in one or more of the 200 plus Radisson Blu hotels. They win the price when they have received the most votes. The hotels of the Radisson Blu portfolio are basically located in Europe and the Middle East. The winner may use the 365 free hotel room nights in 5 years. A brilliant prize and there is a lot of buzz forming already.
Once entered the participants have to use their social contacts to vote for them. Mind you, every 24 hrs they and their contacts may cast their vote. The contest runs until July 24st.
Would you like to vote for me?
As we will never be able to take all nights ourselves, I’ve decided that if I win, I will throw 300 nights into a Travel Bloggers Camp somewhere in Europe so that 300 Travel bloggers can enjoy 1 free night for a two days event, or 150 Travel bloggers can enjoy two free nights for a three days event.
I’ve syndicated this post on the TBex community’s Blog
Com on travel blog friends let’s flex our muscles and show the world we can do this:-) Vote!

Dutch General Election day 2010

June 9, 2010 · 1 comment
in Netherlands,The Hague

Today we Dutch may vote to elect 150 representatives in Dutch Parliament (the Second Chamber). We don’t have an easy task as there are many parties. You can say the smaller the country the more political parties it has. The photo shows the leaders of the 8 political parties that in one or another combination will reign after they have formed a coalition. Nothing is certain yet and traditionally the formation of a government typically takes between 60 and 90 days.

According to the polls the liberal party of Mark Rutte will become the largest party in Parliament. Most likely he will be the next Prime Minister of The Netherlands. This photo I took from him two years ago just after he had disembarked from a new Lifeboat of The Hague (Scheveningen to be more precise) when he had volunteered to undergo a 360 rollover test in the lifeboat.

He will certainly need the lifesaving vest and the experience he underwent there to help getting The Netherlands floating again:-)

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