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in 101 Happy Hotelier

I’m as furious as an angry dog! To say the least: My now former host company simply kicked Happy Hotelier from their server, claiming that it was possibly too successful and caused server overload the last couple of days WITHOUT ANY WARNING.
No significant changes had been made … only a steady growth of visitors to the site.
And I lost a post….actually I’m glad i lost only one post….
In the meantime there will be a transition period where photos can not be seen and if you landed here from the outside world, then you probably landed on a wrong page.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Actually this is a big THANK YOU to my readership! You have made this blog very popular by your frequent visits!
In the meantime I’ve found out that when you export and import posts via the WordPress interface the photo links may change and be correct…., but if you copy one WordPress installation from one server to another server, the photo links remain as they are on the server you copy from…. Latter I did here. Now we have to wait until the Domain name moves from one host to the other host.
In addition it is important that you give your media correct file permissions (644 is too low).
Update 2
Things are back to normal … more or less as of today, October 17, 2010.

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