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Impressions from TBCamp 2011

in Been There,Blogging,Travel,Travel Blogs
Two Spanish Ladies at TBCamp 2011
Darren did it again: He pulled 100+ Travel Bloggers and Travel PR types together for informal networking at Travel Blog Camp 2011. A big Thank You to Darren!
The venue was back where it started in 2008: in a London Pub at the south border of the Thames with a nice view over the city.

The food was excellent and the new two room set up was great where food was served in one room and the venue was in the other room.
I was acting as the “Official Photographer of the event”, hence I was more concentrated on making photos in very difficult (dark) light conditions, than on what actually was going on.
Luckily there were some who summarized the event:
  • Heather Cowper of Heather on her Travels in My Blogging Journey: Are travel bloggers finally being taken seriously at the World Travel Market?
  • Darren himself: Thoughts I Took Away from TBCamp 2011
  • And from the Grumpmeister himself: Travel Blog Camp 2011 – a few random Take Aways
  • Steven Keenan: Seven Takeaways from Social – Travel Market 2011
  • Darren: Supercharging your Travel Blog
  • Darren: Travel Blog Camp – Recap
I’ll be updating this if I find more stuff.
One take away from the event for me is: Travel Bloggers have to become more business like. Especially those who want to monetize their blogs. Thus far, I have refused to try and monetize this blog. So there is some work to be done if I want to monetize… and eventually that is what I wish
As an amateur photographer I noticed another aspect: The use of avatars by travel bloggers. One comment you can see in my prior post and further comments on the use of avatars will follow.
Also I wasn’t up to networking as I should have been and due to the light conditions I couldn’t take more or better photos than I did. Sorry for that.
I was making photos on Darren’s first ever TBCamp of 2008. For comparison’s sake you might want to look at the First TBCamp set.
Personally I like the photos of TBcamp10 better.
Last edited by GJE on November 14, 2011 at 11:53 pm

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