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Terrorist Motel – in lieu of Ground Zero Mosque?

in Architecture,Hotel Design,Humor,New York City

Found on Archinect:
Terrorist Motel to Replace Ground Zero Mosque?
Saudi Arabian outfit Stealth Architects are proposing an interesting alternative to the controversial Muslim Cultural Center – a Terrorist Motel! The “building” is actually a 16 story underground labyrinth of man-made caves.
The Observer has an item on the subject as well and asks whether this is a prank from an Architect Provocateur….
Gothamist shows the “press release”.
Funny or not so funny, the fact is that a little bit of humor could loosen up the sniping in the pro vs anti mosque discussion…

Where are They Hosting?

October 19, 2010 · 10 comments
in 101 Happy Hotelier,Blogging,Websites,WordPress

During my research into a reliable web hosting alternative I’ve discovered which offers a lot of interesting information about the web hosting scene: Who does what where with whom?
First of all it is interesting to see that itself has hidden its Whois ID behind a Domains by Proxy registration.
So I’ve checked a couple of sites randomly to see where they are being hosted:
  • Matt Mullenweg, of WordPress, interestingly uses a .tt, a Trinidad and Tobago TLD extension to have one of the shortes URL’s available. Funny. According to Serversiders he hosts at Layered Tech.Com. Off course they host the whole WordPress rigmarole and they do cloud hosting.
  • Hotel Chatter is hosting on, also involved in cloud hosting.
  • Tnooz is hosting at Media Temple.
  • Mashable is hosting at Rackspace.
  • Hotel Marketing Strategies at Bluehost.
  • Everything Everywhere at Media Temple which is interesting: It is photo heavy like my sites.
  • Nomadic Matt is hosting at The Planet
  • Problogger is hosted at Peer1 Hosting
  • Travelrants is using Blueconnex
  • Europe a La Carte uses 1&1 Internet AG
So be aware: Just fill in your own URL at and they will have some of your details which they share with you and the world.
(Random) Updates
  • The reason I’m sharing this with you is that there are several pitfalls in the hosting trajectory. One of them is Load Time. With firebug I’ve tested the load speed of several sites mentioned above and am not really impressed. Some SEO guru claimed that every 500 miliseconds your site loads faster, your conversion betters 20%. So my focus currently is on load time.
  • I also found out that my Dutch hosting company is a reseller rather than a dedicated hosting company.
  • WordPress itself recommends hosting hosting companies. Plus recently it introduced Vip Hosting, only for the happy few.
  • Mashable and Techcrunch show load times up to 20 seconds! How come they keep being successful?
  •, the online OTA (=On Line Travel Agent) has an amazingly short load time, less than 3 seconds. Moreover It feels slick. Same with Tripadvisor, the online review company about 2 seconds…
  • I prefer my blogs to be photo rich. Problem that causes is long load times. Since Happy Hotelier is now hosted in the US, while it used to be hosted in The Netherlands I all of a sudden see my page load time doubled or tripped. Probably because each tiny little file has to cross the Atlantic Exchange.
    I’m considering upgrading my hosting package to virtual cloud hosting, but that may be too expensive.. Another way is deploying images over a free or paid CDN (Content Delivery Network). But you could also consider to trim your blog in other ways. I’ve found some great posts in that respect:
    1. Speed Up WordPress – Ultimate Guide to make Sites Super Fast
    2. 38 Ways to optimize and speed your WordPress Blog
    3. It would have saved me tons of time if I had known this little trick on beforehand: Host Images in Subdomain

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