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Santorum wins Mississippi, Alabama Republican primaries, Fox News projects

Rick Santorum scored a big pair of victories Tuesday night, winning the Mississippi and Alabama Republican primaries as he builds the case that he is the "conservative" alternative to Mitt Romney over Newt Gingrich. "We did it again," Santorum told a cheering crowd in Louisiana Tuesday night. The former Pennsylvania senator won in two deep red states that are among the most conservative in the nation. In his victory speech, Santorum suggested the GOP contest remains far more competitive than Romney's supporters make it out to be. Related Stories Santorum presses Gingrich to bow out as Southern primary results loom santorum_montgomery_031212.jpg March 12, 2012: Rick Santorum visits with supporters during a rally in Montgomery, Ala. Related Video Gingrich vows to stay in race until convention GOP hopeful on Southern primaries, setting the national agenda "We will compete everywhere. The time is now for conservatives to pull together," Santorum said. The candidates are still awaiting results from the Hawaii caucuses, as well as caucuses in American Samoa. With Tuesday's contests, the Republican candidates are now at roughly the halfway point in the nominating battle. Twenty-four states, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, still have to hold their primaries and caucuses. In both Alabama and Mississippi, Romney and Gingrich was projected by Fox News to finish second in Mississippi, just ahead of Romney. With 97 percent of precincts reporting in Mississippi, Santorum was leading with 33 percent of the vote. Gingrich was behind with 31 percent, followed by Romney with 30 percent. Gingrich and Romney are still battling for second place in Alabama. With 84 percent reporting in Alabama, Santorum was ahead with 35 percent -- followed by Gingrich with 29 percent and Romney with 29 percent. Ron Paul is a distant fourth in both states. Santorum's wins allow the candidate to increase the pressure on Gingrich to bow out of the race. The two primary contests Tuesday were considered crucial to the former House speaker's Southern strategy, and Santorum in the run-up to the vote had suggested it was time for Gingrich to exit. So far, the former speaker has won just two contests, in Georgia last week and South Carolina in January. "It's very, very clear that outside of Speaker Gingrich's backyard, if you will, we're the candidate who's taking it to Mitt Romney," Santorum told Fox News. He told Fox News earlier in the day that conservative voters "have pretty much made a decision," claiming Gingrich is probably not "in the mix for getting the nomination at this point." But Gingrich told Fox News before the results came in that he will not step aside. Talking to supporters Tuesday night in Alabama, Gingrich made clear he intends to stay in it. "One of the things tonight proved is that the elite media's effort to convince the nation that Mitt Romney is inevitable just collapsed," Gingrich said. "The fact is in both states, the conservative candidates got nearly 70 percent of the vote. And ... if you're the front-runner and you keep coming in third, you're not much of a front-runner." Gingrich said his campaign stands out for its emphasis on "substance" and big ideas, and he vowed to fight "all the way to Tampa" to compete for the nomination at the convention. He said his emphasis on gas prices already has changed the national debate, citing President Obama's recent focus on the issue. Alabama offered 47 delegates on Tuesday, while Mississippi offered 37. Because both states divvy up their delegates proportionally, Gingrich and the other candidates will each win delegates Tuesday. That means Santorum will again struggle to make measurable gains on Romney, the delegate leader. Santorum's campaign was similarly frustrated over the weekend, after winning big in the Kansas caucuses -- only to watch Romney negate his delegate gains by picking off a few in Kansas and many more in under-the-radar contests held in various U.S. territories. Going into the race Tuesday, Santorum had 217 delegates to Romney's 454. Gingrich had 107 and Paul had 47. It takes 1,144 to clinch the nomination. Exit polls, as they have in prior races, showed Romney doing best among moderates on Tuesday. In exit polls out of Alabama, Santorum was pocketing 41 percent among those who describe themselves as very conservative. Gingrich was pulling 36 percent among that group. In the same state, Santorum led among evangelicals, followed closely by Gingrich. But Romney far outpaced his competitors on the question of who is most electable against President Obama -- 46 percent chose Romney, while less than a quarter said the same for Santorum or Gingrich. Three percent thought Ron Paul was most electable. The Gingrich campaign meanwhile circulated a memo late Tuesday afternoon claiming the candidate is "well positioned" to win the nomination, citing the numerous Southern contests still on the horizon. "This race is not going to be won or lost over backroom deals or endless and mind-numbing discussions in the media over delegate counts. This race is going to be decided by a big debate -- a big choice -- among GOP primary voters about the future of the Republican Party; what it stands for, and which candidate has the most compelling vision and most credibility to carry forward a conservative governing agenda," Gingrich advisers said in the memo. "That is the debate Newt is going to win, and with it, the nomination and the election." Romney did not address supporters Tuesday night but made clear beforehand that he doesn't consider the Southern contests to be must-win for his nomination chances. "John McCain didn't win either of these states, Alabama or Mississippi," he told Fox News. "We are delighted that we are doing so well there. The polls are suggesting it is kind of a three-way tie. It is an away game for me." Read more:

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