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Intel Projector in Tokyo follows up 'Museum of Me' with the more fun-loving 'Me the Musical'

Intel's Museum of Me, created last year by ad agency Projector in Tokyo, presupposed that your online life is so artfully lived that it belongs in a museum—a virtual one, with images and posts from your Facebook page lining the walls like precious paintings. The campaign bowled over the Cannes judges this summer (golds in Cyber, Film and Branded Content, along with a silver in Direct) but always seemed a little weighed a bit down by its self-seriousness. Facebook trades in unwittingly narcissism, yes, but a museum for your posts? Most of them wouldn't belong on a refrigerator.
Projector has now returned with a sequel to the Museum of Me, and it's one that lightens things up by turning to a more appropriate medium: the Broadway musical. Me the Musical does a lot of what the Museum of Me did—collects some basic info and images from your Facebook and crunches them into a video for you. But this time, it's a Coke Happiness Factory-like production, with little animated dudes marching through your Timeline, picking out bits and pieces of your history and highlighting them next to milestones from the culture at large. The finished product is more in line with what you'd expect from a Facebook data cruncher: a parade of nothingness—cartoony, easily digested, eminently disposable.
Me the Musical also attempts to tie in the Intel brand by highlighting the impact technology has made in people's lives and looking ahead to what Intel says is a new era in computing. But really, that's museum talk. Sit back with glorious goofiness of Me the Musical, watch the video, then send it to your mom.

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