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Favorite Holiday Traditions

The holidays are full of traditions.  From the family photo holiday cards, to braving the snow to cut down a Christmas tree. Each family has something they like to do around the holiday season.  We’ve put together a few of our favorites to share!
Family PJ’s.  Every year the family gets a set of matching or coordinated pajamas to wear on Christmas morning.  It makes for great family photos every Christmas season.
Christmas Carols.  When I was a kid, every Christmas Eve my sister and I would sing Christmas carols in our our rooms until we fell asleep.  I am sure it drove my parents nuts be we had fun belting out our favorite Christmas songs until our eyes grew too heavy to stay awake.
Volunteering. Volunteering isn’t something that should be reserved for just the Christmas season but many families make a family outing out of volunteering at homeless shelters, community centers, food banks, and soup kitchens.  It’s a great way to share the joy with those who are in need.
Toy Drive. The holidays can be a stressful time for many families.  A toy drive is a great way to give to families that are unable spend money on holiday gifts for their children.  There are many charities and retail chains that help facilitate toy drives. Find one in your area.
Movies. Since the theaters are open on Christmas, many families opt for an afternoon at the movies.  There are usually fun holiday films for the whole family out.
What’s your favorite holiday tradition?  We’d love to hear from you!

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