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Budget Baby Shower Ideas

Hosting a baby shower is a great way to show the mom-to-be how excited you are for her new arrival. As the host, it can feel a little overwhelming as you start to add up all the costs! Start with stylish inexpensive baby shower invitations.  Then keep these budget friendly tips in mind for a fantastic, affordable baby shower.
Find a co-host. If you are really feeling overwhelmed, ask someone to pitch in. Then you can spread the cost out a little. You don’t even have to limit it to 2 hosts, you can have several people act as host as long as you can all share the responsibilities equally.
In between meals. Set the party time for in between mealtimes. That way you can just serve a few finger foods and a dessert item for snacks. No one is going to starve in the 3 hours they are at the shower.
Make your own veggie and meat trays. Although the convenience of prepared veggie and meat trays is oh so appealing, it is so much more cost effective to create your own. Hit up your local farmers market, you’ll be amazed how much you can get for just $10. Whip up your own ranch dip. Some sour cream, lemon juice, grated garlic and chopped dill will create a delicious tangy dip for cucumbers and carrots. Buy some lunch meat and cheese at your local wholesale store and cut into small pieces. Serve with crackers instead of bread. People just need enough to nibble on.
unique baby shower ideas
Limit drink choices. It’s easy to get carried away when planning the food and drink for these parties. You start thinking of what everyone would want. Stop. It’s a baby shower, you only have to worry about pleasing the expectant mom. Have plenty of water and then ask the mom what her favorite beverage is and serve that. Check with the mom-to-be on her feelings about alcohol and if she wants to serve it, pick either one type of wine or one cocktail to keep the cost down.
Dust off the kitchen aid. Try baking your own dessert! Cake mixes are very inexpensive. Try cupcakes or cookies instead of a traditional cake too.
Quality not quantity. Skip all the cutesy decorations. Most baby showers are crowded and there isn’t a lot of extra room. Don’t worry about making one hundred origami storks, stick to the basics. One bouquet of cut flowers from your garden (or your neighbors) for the buffet table will look elegant and fresh. Wrap your with some simple brown paper but finish with fabric ribbon and add a pacifier and a fresh flower bloom and use it as a centerpiece somewhere. Use what you have! Iron that beautiful tablecloth you never use. Add in a few framed pics of the mom and her other children is she has any (you can even ask her to bring framed pics from home.) Add a few balloons tie on the porch outside (also acts as a great marker for guests who’ve never been to your home) and your done. Remember the day is about celebrating the mom-to-be and getting her friends and family together. Everything else is secondary.
Have a casserole party.This is a great idea for either moms who are on baby number 2 and beyond and the mom who already bought everything on her registry. Have each guest bring a casserole suitable for freezing in a dish they won’t be needing back. Ask them to make a copy of the recipe with reheating instructions and attach it to the dish. This is the best present new parents could ask for! They’ll be set for dinners for a few weeks after the baby is born and they’ll be so thankful for your thoughtfulness. Two keys to the success: make sure the mom to be knows about it so she can create enough room in her freezer, and make sure you have enough room in your fridge/freezer to store at the party! You might also see if you can send the mom-to-be home with a cooler to help her transport them. You can even modify this to where guests bring a small sample of their dish to serve at the party, creating an instant buffet!
Online baby shower invitations.Online invitations are free and they make it so easy to manage RSVPs and all the event details. You can post messages to the guests and the guests can post messages to you. You can also affordably use PurpleTrail’s print at home option or PurpleTrail Print too.
A baby shower on a budget is easy to plan. The best laid plans are often the most simple. So remember it’s all about celebrating the mom-to-be and her new baby.

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