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Great Ideas for Girls Night Out

Girls Night Out means fun, excitement and letting your hair down! It also means getting away from your mundane or highly stressed routine and spending time with friends.  Set the tone for the night with chic girls night out invitations and get ready for a night to remember. Check out these fun activities and unique ideas for a girls night out.
Some of these girls night out party ideas will challenge you. Some will make you laugh. Still others will make you feel pampered or challenge your creativity. Whichever type you choose, each one will create an amazing memory that will last a lifetime and make you want to come back for another night out!!
Go Global: Pick a nationality girls night out party theme. For example: Sweden … Do everything Swedish. Dress, language, food, movie, even get a Swedish massage. You could even think of Greek, Italian, Dutch, East Indian, or Chinese. The options are endless; get your creativity on over drive!
Note: ‘TravLang-Foreign Languages for Travelers’ has an awesome lineup of languages you can learn, including sound bites. They have 80 languages to choose from.
Bowling Wild – Girls Night out Games: Bowling is great because you don’t have to be particularly good at it to participate, and let’s face it everyone does a gutter ball eventually, so you won’t be alone there. And to make the evening much more fun and crazy than the regular game, here are a few ideas.
  • Spin in circles five times and then bowl immediately.
  • Bowl with eyes closed or blindfolded.
  • Bowl wearing Oven mitts
  • If you’re a righty, bowl with your left hand. If you’re a lefty, bowl with your right hand.
  • Sit on the floor and bowl by pushing the ball forward with your feet.
  • Bowl backwards, either between your legs or any other way you can manage.
  • Have someone stand in front on you, legs spread. Roll the ball through their legs.
Diva Zest Safari : Ask your friends to dress up in their best night-on-the-town outfits. Rent a limousine and pick up each one of your girl friends at their individual homes and start your flavor Safari. Let your taste buds lead you through the night. Have each friend select an exotic (or not so exotic) food they have never tried before. Create a list and find out which places serve them.
Note: Some foods may be harder to locate then others. Use the yellow pages if you have to. Stop and ask for recommendations. Try to find every food on your list, even if you have to be very creative!
The Alias Girls Night Out: Ask each friend to take on a new name and personality. Dress up and go out for the night as these characters. You should take on these new characters completely. All through the evening you must only refer to each other as these new people. Note: If you can afford it, get a wig. It will enhance your alias persona even more!
Spa night: This is one idea that can be done in many ways:
  • Go beyond the usual mani/pedi fare and make your own skin treatments, like face masks and sugar scrubs, using common foods. If one of your friends is good with hair and makeup, ask if she’ll give the others makeovers. To thank her for the help, put together a gift bag or offer to pay her a little something for her services. If you really want to go all out, book a massage therapist to come to the house for mini massages.
  • If you want to do it a little different, then hire a spa-party service to create a spa night in your home. lists mobile spas from New York to Los Angeles. These companies provide drinks, gourmet food, spa treatments and products. For example, Spa Chicks On-The-Go, a mobile-spa event company in New York, provide treatments such as massages, facials, manicures and pedicures — including spa robes, slippers and spa goodie bags.
And for those who would like to stay indoors but still have fun:
Learn to Dance : Rent, purchase a video or invite a professional on how to belly dance, country line dance, dance hip hop, or groove to any other dance style you’ve always wanted to learn. Invite your friends over and let the fun begin. Practice enough and you may be able strut your stuff in the outside world on your next girls’ night outing. (It’s always less intimidating to make a fool of yourself among friends first.)
Chef Girls night out : Decide on a type of dish or style of cooking that you would like to learn something about and then find someone to teach about it at your home. There are several ways to do this. Either hire a professional or ask a friend who is particularly skilled in an area of cooking. You could also book an in home food party like “The Pampered Chef”, but that includes selling cooking supplies. Choose what works best for you and then invite your friends over for a cooking class.
Swap Girls Night Out Parties: Ask your friends to bring clothes they want to get rid of. Set up a dressing area (using a curtain or screen) with a full length mirror or two in your biggest room, with lots of seating available. All friends have the opportunity to try on outfits they wish, and each goes home with two or three new ensembles. Decide in advance how you will handle clothing wars: If two or more girls are interested in the same outfit, you can take the objective route of drawing straws, or have each woman model the outfit for the group, and let the group vote on who it suits best. Gather up any extras and donate them to a women’s charity.
In Pursuit of Leisure: If you want to turn your girls night into a hobby, or want to cultivate one with your friends, then here are a few possibilities:
Book Club: Start one and use it as an excuse to get together once a month and talk about the books you are reading. Have a potluck and have each girl bring something. Then you can all sit around, munch and discuss your latest read. This is also a good opportunity to share your love of reading. You don’t just have to talk about the book you have all read, you can also discuss books that are separate from your club reading.
Poetry Reading: This is something different to try and you can usually find a poetry reading at a college or a university. There are also poetry reading events where people can sign up to read their own poetry, and you will hear from lots of poets. Other evenings it can be just one person, or maybe two or three people. Sometimes there are books for sale. This can be a great place to meet people who are taking graduate classes, writers and creative people.
Jewelry making: There are new Jewelry making places opening up in lots of towns and you can make jewelry with your friends. Most places charge by what type of jewelry you are making and then by what gemstones you are using. This is great fun – and not only do you have a good time, but you have some great new accessories to wear after the evening is over!
Paint your own Pottery: These are very popular, and most of these places not only have weekend hours, but also evening hours as well. Some places charge you per piece that you select and then a firing charge. You can make all types of pottery items – cups, mugs, plates, platters, pet food dishes, picture frames, piggy banks.
Note: If you have a streak of generosity, you can raise funds by selling your creations to friends, family or colleagues.
Surprise Night: If yours is a group that has a girls night out regularly, then here’s one that could surprise you. Have one of the girls from your group be responsible for planning the evening. You can agree in advance to stay within a certain budget. The friend responsible for planning the evening shouldn’t tell anyone what it is, just pick them up or meet at the friend’s place and do it.

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