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Almond Crusted Chicken: Christmas Recipe

Almond Chicken
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Almond crusted chicken can be considered a very healthy chicken recipe. Firstly as it is baked and secondly almonds are the new age super health foods. If you are really calorie conscious then try this easy recipe for Christmas. Unlike the roasts and pies, almond crusted chicken is a really healthy chicken recipe. Moreover, it is not bland or complicated like a multitude of other diet recipes. In fact this almond chicken recipe makes use of just about main 5-6 ingredients.

To try this easy recipe for Christmas, you need no prior preparation. Just an hour and you'll be ready with the final dish coming out of this healthy chicken recipe.

Ingredients For Almond Crusted Chicken:

1. Chicken breast pieces 4 (medium size)
2. Almonds 1 cup ( roughly 15 to 20 almonds)
3. Eggs 2 (beaten, use just egg whites if you are on diet)
4. Ground pepper 2 tablespoon
5. Red chilli flakes 1 tablespoon
6. Paprika 1 tablespoon
7. Corn Flour 1 tablespoon
8. Vinegar 1 tablespoon
9. Butter 1 teaspoon
10. Olive oil 2 tablespoons
11. Salt as per taste

Procedure For Almond Crusted Chicken:

  • Chop the almonds finely and mix it with paprika. Make slight straight incisions on the chicken breast pieces and marinate them with vinegar with 10 minutes.
  • Drain the chicken of the extra vinegar. Spice up both sides of the piece with salt and pepper. Sprinkle some oregano and red chilli flakes to make things interesting.
  • Whisk the eggs with a tablespoon of corn flour. Dip the pieces of chicken in this and then roll it in the chopped almonds mixture.
  • Refrigerate the chicken pieces for 20 minutes while you pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees. The crust of the chicken will be set by refrigeration and won't come off when you brush it with oil.
  • Grease an oven pan with butter. Place the chicken pieces in it and brush with virgin olive oil. Grill the chicken on medium range for 20 minutes.
  • Put it on the high rack of the grill for 5 minutes each side for browning.

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