My Blog List

Top Ten Travel Blogs – Technorati vs Invesp

Those who follow this blog, know that I have spent quite some time with manually putting together top lists of travel bloggers according to Technorati in the past. The last one I published over a year ago on my TList page and for prior lists you can check out in my Tlist Category:
  1. The 300 of Halloween last year. which is also at the TList page
  2. The Update of January last year
  3. The update of December, 2007 ah but that post doesn’t give you a list itself…
  4. That of November, 2007
I did pray that someone would come up with a better measurement to replace my dumb work. Moreover at the time Technorati seemed too outdated and too infested with scrapers and sploggers and what all.
In June I discovered Frothy‘s Alexa only ranking.
Then came Invesp. I mentioned it already back in July, that put several measurement methods in a basket and created its own list of Top Travel Blogs.
From time to time I checked those and had a good reason not to go further with my own cumbersome list making.
But now Technorati has really cleaned its act and rolled out a completely new approach in their Blog ranking. I have a feeling that they are moving in the same direction as Google search is moving. A nice way of reinventing yourself Technorati!
Oh, and before I forget: If you are looking for interesting Travel Blogs, do visit Tips from the TList and Travel Insights 100
Each ranking has its own pros and contras, but if you want to quickly orientate yourself about influential travelblogs you can have a look at both lists and make your pick, while I can concentrate on other content here:-)

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