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Baloch & Sindhi communities held a protest rally in London against Pakistani state operation in Lyari

A protest rally against Pakistani state operation in Lyari was held in front of 10 Downing Street on Sunday May 6 2012. Protest was organised by Baloch Human Rights Council (UK) and World Sindhi Congress. A large number of the Baloch and Sindhis from all over UK attended the rally. Speakers expressed their solidarity with the people of Lyari and condemned in strongest terms, the brutal and inhuman operation against the Baloch and Sindhi people in Karachi and other parts of Sindh and Balochistan. They termed the operation in Lyari as an extension of genocide acts by Pakistan which is continuing in Balochistan for the last many years. The speakers from Sindhi and Baloch Diaspora expressed their anger over shameless and murderous activities of the police headed by a known target killer Choudary Aslam. Speakers called upon the international community to take cognizance of the fact that 2 million people in Lyari were kept hostage for almost 8 days. Children were denied milk, residents were denied food, and medicines. Electricity and water supply of the area was cut off. Dozens of innocent people including women and children were killed mercilessly by the death squads of security agencies. Speakers stressed upon the UK government to take notice of the dirty role of MQM during the operation. Waja Akber Barakzai, Mir Noordin Mengal, Dr. Lakhu Luhana, Abdulla Baloch, Suhaib Mengal, Hidayat Bhutto, Umer Raeesi, Rubina Greenwood, Alla Bakhsh Gabol, Samad Baloch and honourable Mir of UK, Mir Ghulam Hussain were among those who spoke on the occasion. After the demonstration, on behalf of Baloch Human Rights Council (UK) and World Sindhi Congress, a petition was presented to the UK Prime Minister Mr. David Cameron. The petition was handed over by Waja Akber Barakzai, Mir Noordin Mengal and Dr Lakhu Luhana. In the petition, it was stressed that the British government should pressurize the Pakistani authorities to immediately stop the genocide acts against the Baloch and Sindhis. For More pictures , video and the letter to the British prime minister of the event ,please click on the link below, Issued By: Samad Baloch General Secretary Baloch Human Rights Council (UK) Dated: 7 May 2012

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