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Notes for spring

Notes for spring
Pretty girls perk up the event
While deep notes of music reverberated to create a resounding impact, it was forceful performance by several bands from India, which emerged as the real flavour of the night. In the big hall of this hotel in Panchkula, a platform was erected, which played host to the performers including Harpreet, Soulmate, Nasha et al.

The night had DJ Leon, Sasha transporting all to a journey of diverse tunes.
The live and electronic music acts had everyone in a trance and soon the concert venue was packed to capacity. What amazed everyone was the line up, which had Sufi-rock fusion along with a hint of Punjabi along with blues and electro-house. From specialty cocktails to special food stalls, all of it made a filling impact. The night went on till late and saw music buffs from Tricity going crazy. JaskiratNagra said, "This live music culture will bring new zest to Chandigarh."

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