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TripAdvisor is Not the Only Place for Reviews.

Travelers in the US and Europe are increasingly turning to traveler review websites when choosing a leisure travel destination, but while the influence of travel review websites is growing, travelers in some markets still prefer to get their reviews from online travel agencies (OTAs).

PhoCusWright studied travelers who selected at least one leisure travel destination independently in the past twelve months (i.e., destination selectors). In 2011, a larger share of destination selectors in the U.S., France, Germany and the U.K. visited a travel review website when choosing their last leisure destination compared to the previous year. For example, 21% of both French and German travelers visited a traveler review website in 2011, versus 13% and 14%, respectively, in 2010.

In the European markets, travelers were also increasingly likely to rate travel review websites as slightly or very influential. But despite the gains, not everyone is flocking to a travel review specialist to get their fix. While travelers in France and the U.K. are more likely to be influenced by traveler review websites (the latter by a large margin), reviews on OTA websites continue to dominate in the U.S. and Germany.

PhoCusWright's Destination Unknown: How U.S. and European Travelers Decide Where to Go 2011 provides insight into leisure travel behavior in the U.S., France, Germany and the U.K., providing in-depth analysis of the traveler segment most relevant to destination marketers: independent destination selectors (i.e., travelers who have independently selected at least one of their leisure travel destinations in the past year). The report analyzes the destination selection process, highlighting the key motivators, information sources, online features and websites used in destination selection.

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